Slasher films of the 1980s are an almost inexhaustible supply of high-quality cinema, and the Steven Baio vehicle Evil Laugh (1986) is no exception. As a late-period slasher with copious cruelty and humor, one cannot go wrong with Evil Laugh.
Of course, some of your universe's critics are completely wrong about Evil Laugh. For example, reviewer loomis78-815-989034 writes (employing a well-known metaphor that at this point must be a cliche), "With horrible acting, a bad soundtrack and Chachi's brother on hand this horrid script unfolds like a belt from a bad onion." Reviewer petraliamarco writes, "There's zero tension and 90% of the movie is an absurd plot by one of the characters to sleep with another, while the others are getting killed, maybe?" And reviewer The_Void writes, "Overall, you would do well not to bother with Evil Laugh."
Read on for the truth about Evil Laugh...